So – time management and running your business has you feeling overwhelmed?
Look no further ladies – Today, I am breaking it down on what I do to stay focused and not get so frustrated that I want to throw my laptop out the window ;)
One of the biggest challenges as an entrepreneur is the ability to manage yourself and your time. New entrepreneurs find it even more difficult changing schedules from 9-5 to not having a set schedule. I promise you that once you have gotten yourself organized and set a schedule that is realistic and incorporates your goals – entrepreneurship won’t seem to be that frustrating…. Well at least the time management aspect of it!
First of all, make sure that you have a clear understanding of how your business is operated and what your goals are. Once you have figured out what goals you want to achieve in your business, it’s time to plan out your actions to success.
The Importance of Lists, Lists & Lists!
If you follow me on social media, you know that I write everything down in lists! It’s the only way I find myself getting s&^* done and being able to stay on top of my goals. You need to write down what is involved in each component of your goal and schedule it. For example, if you have a blog, you know that you have to write blog posts, edit them, develop an editorial calendar, design blog graphics, respond to comments, study your analytics, and promote your posts. As you can see, just one component of your business could have several tasks. Writing all the tasks involved in one area of business helps you identify exactly what you need to be doing to keep your engine running smoothly. It also prevents you from overlooking critical steps that could hinder your progress.
Create Your Schedule (The Joys of Being Your Own Boss!)
Like a normal human being with a purpose on this earth, we all have other commitments outside of our business. Your relationships, school kids, friends, social events among other things all have a place in your heart and in your schedule. Your business is no different. Your business tasks belong on a schedule in your planner or on your phone. Now that you have goals to achieve, you have a list of things to do and these should all be incorporated into your schedule. The art of being able to prioritize those tasks is crucial to effective time management.
Being Organized Is Absolute Key!
The last thing you need is for a client to call you and you have no idea where their file is or the status of their account, etc. Being organized and having a system in place can really make a difference in your business. If you are not organized, you are going to lose precious time searching for something if you don’t know where it is. One thing I have learned is that by keeping everything on Google drive has been a life saver and has made me so much more efficient. Google drive really does have everything we need at the moment to be organized. If you are looking for a centralized place to store all your business content, definitely give Google drive a try.
Eliminate Distractions
No matter which method you choose, you must find a way to eliminate distractions when you are working. Distractions are the enemy of productivity. All of us have something that distracts us the most. For me, it's looking at social media on my phone. I get in the zone by putting on music and setting up my desk so that everything that needs to be done is right in front of me. Whatever your main distraction is, brainstorm ways to eliminate it, so you aren’t losing precious time to countless interruptions.
Prioritize EVERYTHING…Every Single Day!
Having all your tasks and goals for the month written down in a central place is also critical for prioritization. Some tasks are going to demand more time, effort, and energy than others. Some tasks not only demand more attention, but their completion affects your ability to complete other tasks. These larger items should take precedence over the smaller tasks so that you get the best return on your time. Not only do you feel great after accomplishing a mighty task, but it just makes sense to attack those bigger feats at the beginning of the month while the motivation and energy is fresh!
Though these are just a few things you can do to eliminate being overwhelmed, constant evaluation of where you are and how far you have come is something to also schedule on daily, monthly, quarterly and annually. Take an honest look at how your days are going. At the end of the day, ask yourself if the work you did pushed you closer or farther away from your goals. You should not only assess your work at the end of each day, but also at the end of each week. How effective was the week as a whole? Then take a step back and assess the overall progression of your month. What made your month successful or what hindered you? Why is constant assessment important? It gives you a chance to identify what patterns, habits, or systems are working for you. When you identify a system that is consistently producing the results you want, then you know to stick with it. You won’t be as tempted to abandon your methods when the latest bandwagon rolls around.
With Love | Nikki xo