Do you ever feel a little nervous to share links to your blog posts on social media? Do you sometimes feel hesitant to promote your own work? Do you get scared at the thought of marketing your products and services because you worry it will seem to salesy? You aren’t alone. Many people experience the fear of self-promotion, especially when they’re first starting out in business. But that ends here! Here are five tips to help you overcome your fear of self-promotion:
1. Know who your target market is.
First, you need to get clear on who your target market is. Know what kind of person you’re developing content for. Know her demographics. What is she like? What are her struggles? And what exactly is your product doing for her? Whatever you’re selling online, the focus should be on providing some sort of benefit to your dream customer.
2. Identify your fear.
What exactly is it that you’re afraid of? Do you worry about what other people will think? Do you fear rejection or failure? Does the thought of putting yourself out there leave you feeling vulnerable? In order to effectively overcome your fear of self-promotion and move past it, you need to know what the root of the problem is.
For example, if you’re nervous about putting yourself out there to promote your one-on-one coaching service, you may be scared of rejection or failure. While no one wants to fail, remember that it’s something even the best have been through. And you can never let that fear hold you back, otherwise you’ll never have the opportunity to succeed. Instead, know that it’s okay if you put yourself out there and someone doesn’t want to work with you. It only opens the doors for someone else who will want to work with you and will love you. So, ask yourself… Why does self-promotion scare you?
3. Shift your mindset away from selling.
If the thought of selling just gives you the chills, don’t think of promoting your work in that way! To overcome your fear of self-promotion, don’t focus on the “selling” aspect of it. Instead, focus on the benefit your product or service provides to the buyer. Think of it like this… You’ve got a brand new eBook for sale. And it could add a ton of value to your dream customer’s life, right? By promoting this book you’re actually being of service to your audience. You’re helping them because you’re giving them what they need. So, instead of holding yourself back when it comes to promoting your awesome new thing, just remember the benefits it will provide to someone. It’ll be so much easier when you shift your mindset to one that feels more comfortable to you.
4. Practice your pitch.
Even if you only sell online, you should still practice your pitch out loud. It will help you be more prepared! Practice pitching your products or services in front of friends and family. Encourage them to ask you questions, just like a potential customer might. The more you feel at ease talking about your product or service, the more confident you’ll become. You’ll be able to overcome your fear of self-promotion in no time! And if you need to work up the courage to pitch in front of people, practice in the mirror a few times beforehand.
5. Believe in yourself.
Simply put, if you want to overcome your fear of self-promotion, you need to believe in yourself and your work. If you aren’t passionate about the blog posts, the courses, the books, or whatever it is you’re putting out there, no one else will be either. If you don’t believe in yourself, your audience isn’t going to believe in you. Know that you are talented. You are worthy of having clients and customers. You deserve the attention, money, etc. that can come from just putting yourself out there.
With Love | Nikki xo