On a daily basis, I speak with women in business that are just stuck in their careers or real estate business. It’s a tough feeling to shake, and I am here to assure you that you are not the only one who feels this way.
I wanted to share with you all today the strategies I used to make my goals more actionable and easier to achieve. I’m not writing this post to be a blossom in your life, but to really get you to think and strategize more about your business and where you want to see it go.
First thing is first, you must change your mindset!
Get out of the rut you are by getting into the mood to want to change something about your business lifestyle. If you’re not motivated to even do that, we have a problem.
Some important questions to ask yourself:
Why did you start your business?
Was it to turn a hobby into a day job?
Was it a way to bring in an income and stay at home with your children?
Did it stem from a concept that you knew could help people?
The reason why I started my blog Real Estate In Stilettos was primarily because I wanted to educate women about their business and branding.
I used my passion to get important information and business tactics across to my targeted market: women in business. And while passion usually gets you started, it isn’t enough to run a successful business. You need a plan.
If you look around at the most successful business owners, they think about things differently. They could (and do) take on business ventures in other fields and usually have a great amount of success, even if their business ventures are completely unrelated, because they have a different mindset.
Instead of focusing all of your time and energy on your trade, concentrate on becoming more business-savvy. Creativity isn’t only applicable to your field; it’s also applicable to how you run your business.
Don’t Follow the Crowd
Successful entrepreneurs also aren’t keen on doing what’s already been done before. They’re thinkers, creators, and initiators. They don’t look to others for ideas on what to do within their business; they offer something that hasn’t been seen before and set a new standard.
Instead of writing the same blog content that everyone else in my niche seemed to be sharing - inspiration round-ups, short recaps about my personal life, cute outfit ideas - I began to share content that would attract and benefit the clients I wanted to work with.
Set Actionable Steps to Achieve Your Goals
But don’t stop there. Once you’ve set those big goals, sit down and outline actionable steps that will help you achieve it. Think about your big goal and create action steps and smaller goals to help you reach it. Work your way back from that goal and find ways to start working toward it today.
If you have yet to experience a turning point in your business, start with a change in perspective. Pour more time into thinking strategically about your business, steer clear of what everyone else is already doing, challenge yourself to set bigger goals, and create actionable steps to help you reach them. If I can do it, I’m confident that you can grow your business, too.
With Love | Nikki xo