There is a certain art of learning to follow up with clients which is not as complicated as it’s portrayed. Following up is an inevitable part of life and creating a successful career. People may fall off your radar, or you may need to remind someone of something very important — like being compensated for your services.
“Following up, instead of giving up, can turn something you thought was a lost cause into an awesome opportunity.”
For me, following up shows that you want something badly enough to put in the time and effort. But you don’t want to come across as being too pushy either as many people associate following up as being annoying. Obviously, this is the last thing you want to do as someone trying to grow their business.
Don’t Underestimate Yourself
The worst thing you can do to yourself is underestimate your capabilities. Understand that you are a professional and know your business inside and out. Instead of following up with your client about the same thing you previously emailed them about, how about sending them some useful information? Something of value that is completely not related to your initial approach can really obtain their attention.
Send a short reminder
If I don’t hear back from someone that I don’t know very well, I will give them a week to respond before I send a polite follow-up.
My message usually is something like:
Hi Lisa,
A week ago, I sent you a few listings in the area you were interested in and I wanted to follow-up and see if you are interested in having a look at them. I’d be happy to chat about it more in detail.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Best, Nikki
I keep it very short and to the point. People are busy and have full-time jobs. As a Realtor, you have to remember that your availability may be different from your clients. Hence why we seem to work around the clock! More often than not, clients don’t respond simply because they are busy.
Let’s admit it, we’re all busy. Sometimes we all need a little nudge and a reminder to respond to that email that was somehow buried among all the rest.
By sending a simple follow-up, I have a 97% success rate of getting a response, which I think is pretty good when it’s someone I don’t know personally. As I mentioned, sometimes sending a simple reminder shows that you want something bad enough and that you’re really committed to that request.
In my own experience with following up, I have been able to secure more clients and make it clear I am dedicated to their property search.
Stay on top of what you want
Most Realtors tend to give up if there’s no response, while others keep emailing, calling and trying to communicate with potential clients until they get a response. You’re not bothering people if you show them you’re interested in working with them and offer value.
Staying on top of what you want and following up with people can make a world of difference in your income and your relationship building.
For example, I followed up with someone on an opportunity in the past that didn’t end up working out. I said thank you and moved on. Later that year, this same person had a different opportunity for me, and thought of me first.
Why? Because I’m persistent.
With Love | Nikki xo